Sunday, July 09, 2006


garter stitch and nipple piercing rejects

 I finally decided to do Bill's...thing in garter stitch. The yarn he chose should come with a disclaimer:
Do not try to use any stitch pattern with this yarn other than stockinette or garter stitch.


This yarn when knit to a snug guage will slice apples!

It just looks like crap in anything but those two stitches..and garter lays guess which it'll be?
I also went up a couple of needle sizes because the fabric was too crisp...very crisp..hard, in fact, using size 7 or 8 needles. So I am using a 10.

I am also using my new Denise set.'s like nipple piercing all over again.
I thought it was a great idea.
One has rejected...the other has given me nothing but trouble and I think it too is trying to reject. I mean..after a year and 9 still doesnt seem healed it is looking iffy about staying at all.

I am sure my Denise set will not completely be rejected by whatever I am knitting...
or am I?

I was using the extenders to make a stitch holder, and looking at the old version of Bill's ..thing...when oopsy..I picked it up a bit, and it came apart at the part where the extender was!
220 stitches..without a home..loose and fancy free.

Isn't it a good thing I am not going to keep that version of the BT ( Bill's thing)?
I have also noticed some snagging at the join, as well as having some problems with attatching the tips.
BUT..overall..I'm glad I have them..

They are very versatile, and easy to use. They're light and that's a big deal for me with all the hand and wrist and elbow pain.

I will withhold my complete opinion until one year and 9 months.
My knitting deserves as much time as my nipples got....or something meaningful as that...whatever. the way..

I took one of the practice swatches I made for the Master's program and felted it..too cool! I'm using it for a coaster..a really funny looking coaster as it the swatch is the one for 2x2 ribbing and garter stitch. Sort of hourglass shaped with one end a bit narrower.

But, I could make one hell of a felted coat with this yarn( Patons Classic Wool ) and a few washing machine cycles.

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