Friday, August 04, 2006


an innocent bystander...was tagged.

I was reading another blog and they mentioned that if I read the questions to consider myself tagged.

Well..I DID read it..all of it..

What was the scariest thing (or one of them if you’ve had many adventures) you ever experienced?

Having a very premature child.

Do you plan to retire where you are right now or move somewhere else?

Wow..I always assumed it would be here...could be anywhere?

Three little gifts you’re always glad to get:
1 Diamonds ( well...they are littler than cars)
2 Candy ( from strangers or otherwise)
3 When the cashier is patient with me as I juggle begging, crying children, purse, wallet, merchandise.

4 careers you might have enjoyed:
1 Artist
2 Vet or Vet tech
3 Groomer
4 Yarn store owner
( hey..I was 3 out of 4! tech. Now I just need to open a yarn store )

A book you loved as a child but found disappointing as an adult:

The Mrs Piggle Wiggle books.

Somebody ought to do (invent, make, write) that!

They probably already did, and you dont know about it.

Where or on what could you easily spend $100? - up to 5
Yarn (of course)

Name an adult, not a parent, who really had an impact on you before you were 18 and what made such an impression.

My husband. He is alot older than I and has practically raised me. He has influenced who I am in every way..and made me who I am in so many ways.
Without him I would probably be a crack addict hooking on High Street....trying to decide if I should buy cigarettes,paint, drugs or yarn.

My parents just couldn't/wouldn't control me.
My husband has saved and made my life while never suffocating those qualities that make

Edit: oops..I just realized that this question said BEFORE I was 18..I met my husband when I was 18...none the answer remains. There wasn't a person alive that could do anything with me as a child. I had a very screwed up early childhood, and by the time I was back with my's fortunate I am even half way normal.
Bill has made me a decent human being..he has made me far less crazy than I would have been without him.
I mostly hung out with animals before Bill. I owe my entire self to him, and love him with every ounce of what is good and right in me...and even with some of what is bad and wrong.

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