Wednesday, July 26, 2006



Version one of Clapotis...has died.

I will not even say what I did.
Lets just say to all you newbie wont make the dumb assed mistake that I did.

It is ironic that I was sitting by my pond when I discovered the mistake.

It seemed to be suddenly raining frogs...they all began to chime in..."rip it, rip it!"

I will not rip..I will let it RIP and start anew.

I tossed it into the frog pond..literally, collected my remaining skein, needles, coffe, and chihuahua, and quietly went indoors.

I put my part of a skein in with my stash..where I also keep some Tootsie Pops,and had some suckable, lickable, chewable consolation.

Goodbye Clap 1

Thursday, July 20, 2006


stash attack yarn isn't visable through my windows, to the neighbors from across the street..but was getting a bit disoragnised and abundant.
I didnt actually realize how abundant until I tried to organise it today..

I bought one of those hanging sweater holders thinking it would be perfect for holding all my FUTURE sweaters..and future hats, and mittens, and scarves, and knitted toys...

Well..erm.I did have enough compartments for red, yellow, orange, green, blue, violet, black and white to have their own homes...thing is I have so much red, yellow, orange, green, blue, violet, black and white ...not to mention multi coloreds that dont fit into any of those well as cremes, and pinks..which live with the whites and reds...whew...that I need at least two more of these holders, to properly store it all!
I know that others have way more stash than I they afford it I dont know. I'm far from poor..but I cant afford all the yarn I want...anyway..others have lots more, but I had no clue that I had this much yarn.

I think I need to go on a hat knitting spree...a good portion is leftovers...enough for a hat or socks..not enough for a sweater.

Well..there are doll sweaters...

that said..I need to work on my crocheted necklace for my wedding..I found it ..finally!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


I got the clap.

I couldnt stand it..I had to knit Kate Gilbert's "Clapotis", that was on knitty, a few back.
I have only done one drop, when I get a few more, I'll post a WIP. I have been at it almost obsessivly since yesterday. I am using a very different type of yarn...a chenille..but I did some research and the general thought on this pattern is that many yarns work with it.
I am in some kind of knitters heaven

I knew I was obsessed with knitting when I made the pattern image for "Clapotis" my desktop wallpaper.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Mom strikes again

So I went to go work on the necklace that I am crocheting from thread for my wedding...and I cant find it.
My Mom..."puts away" aka "loses" my stuff all the time.
So knowing there is no hope of finding it until she wakes up at about noon tomorrow.(..and unrelated..she actually has one project..a coaster for Bill in dishcloth cotton in her room and is crocheting it! I am letting her go ahead since I feel some crocheting is good for her hands)

Anyway..since this is a knitting blog..and I was in my knitting bag, thinking maybe she put my necklace there...I decide I'll take a pic of the WIP for the BT.
And naturally, she has also "put away" my camera.

I guess I will knit a few rows of the BT and go to bed.
poo is a sketch of the necklace I am making.
No pattern as of yet.

 So true...the moment I learned about Denise Interchangeables..I had to have them. I have issues with them but the fact that they can be so versatile has won my heart.

What kind of knitting needles are you?

You are interchangeable.Fun, free, and into everything, you've got every eventuality covered and every opportunity just has to be taken. Every fiber is wonderful, and every day is a new beginning. You are good at so many things, it's amazing, but you can easily lose your place and forget to show up. They have row counters for people like you!
Take this quiz!

Quizilla |

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sex stuff

 A BDSM lovin knitter can't pass up this one...well...maybe could pass it up, but it still gives a smile.

I can hear the conversation at the yarn store now...

"Looking for your furry yarn"

"What do you want to knit?"

"Ah..I want to make restraints for my soon to be husband to use on me."


" You I dont spend ALL my time knitting."

Sunday, July 09, 2006


garter stitch and nipple piercing rejects

 I finally decided to do Bill's...thing in garter stitch. The yarn he chose should come with a disclaimer:
Do not try to use any stitch pattern with this yarn other than stockinette or garter stitch.


This yarn when knit to a snug guage will slice apples!

It just looks like crap in anything but those two stitches..and garter lays guess which it'll be?
I also went up a couple of needle sizes because the fabric was too crisp...very crisp..hard, in fact, using size 7 or 8 needles. So I am using a 10.

I am also using my new Denise set.'s like nipple piercing all over again.
I thought it was a great idea.
One has rejected...the other has given me nothing but trouble and I think it too is trying to reject. I mean..after a year and 9 still doesnt seem healed it is looking iffy about staying at all.

I am sure my Denise set will not completely be rejected by whatever I am knitting...
or am I?

I was using the extenders to make a stitch holder, and looking at the old version of Bill's ..thing...when oopsy..I picked it up a bit, and it came apart at the part where the extender was!
220 stitches..without a home..loose and fancy free.

Isn't it a good thing I am not going to keep that version of the BT ( Bill's thing)?
I have also noticed some snagging at the join, as well as having some problems with attatching the tips.
BUT..overall..I'm glad I have them..

They are very versatile, and easy to use. They're light and that's a big deal for me with all the hand and wrist and elbow pain.

I will withhold my complete opinion until one year and 9 months.
My knitting deserves as much time as my nipples got....or something meaningful as that...whatever. the way..

I took one of the practice swatches I made for the Master's program and felted it..too cool! I'm using it for a coaster..a really funny looking coaster as it the swatch is the one for 2x2 ribbing and garter stitch. Sort of hourglass shaped with one end a bit narrower.

But, I could make one hell of a felted coat with this yarn( Patons Classic Wool ) and a few washing machine cycles.

Friday, July 07, 2006


I'm thinking I'm not mormal anymore.

 picots...beaded trim, wool, wool, wool, reversable stitch pattern...and a store bought knit top that has metallic lace weight yarn..and unserged seams..I just know it'll end up unraveled and I think of it and these other things with glee.
I find myself wishing that I was the only bidder in the universe when it comes to EBAY and yarn...especially Rowan Kidsilk. I want those other bidders to just GO! gone.

And I still hate Bill's yarn...with a ferver..yet..

I want to make myself something from it.
Is this like the cat trying his best to eat the dog's food..just because it's the dog's food? He has a look of misery and disgust on his face the whole time..but he eats it. ( Until I stop him that is.)

Speaking of nose is cold.

Sorry guys freaked me out with that pattern.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I'm having a bad needlework day

 It is said that Venus rules needle work..well, if it isn't said then I just said there.
Anyway..Venus is pissed off at me today.

First I woke with the realization ...yes woke with it..I dream about knitting...the realization that I need to completely restart Bills afghan. This means I have two months to finish it by scratch..bitch. ( That was a general "bitch" not aimed at anyone in particular.) I did things with that thing that make no sense. It has to go.

After that, I fought with my sewing machine all day. Well..not right off after waking..first I just about reinvented the Butterick pattern I was working with..or it felt like it. I resized it, and added elements that were not in it, that's for sure. I bought this beautiful striped knit fabric in varying shades of blue..I wanted to make tops for the girls..turns out I have enough for me to have a skirt too!

Let us side track a moment..why do I knit and crochet and sew?
Because I HATE most of what is offered me at stores. What I do like is in a size 2 or smaller. Or it costs 3000 dollars.

So anyway..finding a fabric that I love so much..and I can make myself something too? That's a "Yay".

g8b/ h
0990 cat can type.

But I cant really with him snuggled in the crook of my arm, so...cya!

Monday, July 03, 2006


round things..and I dont mean myself.

 I finished a wee little bag that I crocheted in thread and in the round, to hold Bill's ring. We arent having a wedding party...and my dress has no pockets. ( edit..I added a pic)
I started a hat knitted on dpn's with that sock wool I bought. I wasn't in a sock light weight hat
I guess I better start picturing up this blog. I have been really lazy about photos..and dont generally like sharing WIP be they paintings or needlework.

I sewed today..after much swearing and threatening of the machine..I asked Mom to help.
And she did.
sigh...she's going to want to keep doing that.
I am getting a bit desperate to do more painting..but I know if I start I will not stop and I'll have paint all over my hands that will refuse to come off with out a manicurist sanding it off...and it will still be there on my wedding day.
Other than that..I have had enough of my kidney. I dont really know how I do all this stuff while passing a stone...I just know if I pay too much attention to it I will be in the ER.
I have had it with the ER, thank you very much.
Next time I go will be in a squad..I am not going there while I can still function under my own power.

Edit...some people have asked to see my ring a bit better. So click the link if you want too see it.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Holey Moley

There is something about this..maybe I had something like it as a child? But it's ..alluring...personal.. ( doesnt hurt that the model sort of LOOKS like me..chubby/curvy with dark hair pulled back! I think she's probably alot taller than I though. And my hair is curlier..but same type.)

I want it.

I know just the yarn for it I have been saving since this winter for something special for ME...something I dont give to someone else for a change.
That's getting time for Christmas knitting..

and one day I hope to finish Bill's ..thing for when his shoulders are cold and hurt. I am not allowed to call it a shawl..erm..shoulder afghan?
He really pissed me off with that yarn he chose...sigh..but I love him. Still..a blue varigated that has a creme/grey/bluish color as it's lightest looks like it's dirty! And it's acrylic. No..I am not a yarn snob, but acrylic isn't as nice. Was thinking to knit a "B" in a perl stitch pattern. I love doing letters. I havent photgraphed it on needles's so long that one cant really see what it is, so what's the point? I cant wait to get my denise interchangebles...yup.

I finished a painting if I can just get the address for where to send it, I'll be good.

I want some more red wool...not for the shawl..maybe for a hat?


V&A - Database Object

V&A - Database Object think you are doing the latest when you knit arm warmers...nope.
They been around awhile according to this pattern for baby from the 1800's.


looking back

 I joined TKGA!

I also ordered the Master's packet level I !

I was sent my password and all that lastnight during one of my rare moments of nocturnal sleeping. For a change, I went to bed at a reasonable hour.

When I logged into the site this morning I immediately went to the articles written to give advice on getting through the Master's.

I can only say that it's a good thing that I am not one who thinks she never has anything to learn..and doesn't mind going back to the basics.
As I looked at the article on tension...and the swatches pictured.
I felt a kinship...a familiarity that made me uncomforatble with the "wrong" sample of stockinette stitch.  And a "hmmm" went through my mind while looking at the correct sample.
I dont make stockinette like the correct sample.
I am going now to knit swatches of stockinette in a light colored wool...until I DO knit it like the correct sample.

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